If you would like to file a discrimination, harassment or retaliation complaint, complete and submit the Intake Assessment Form. Our lawyers have 30 years of experience filing discrimination and retaliation claims on behalf of police officers, firefighters and first responders.Under California law, an employer is not permitted to retaliate against an employee who files a complaint of discrimination under FEHA. Retaliation is common when someone refuses to follow an illegal directive. The following examples illustrate these basic principles. Employment attorneys serving Oakland, California for cases involving: discrimination, whistleblower retaliation, sexual harassment, etc. It is illegal to harass an employee based upon the employee's protected status. Our law firm is located in Oakland, California, and serves workers throughout the Bay Area who have become the victims of workplace retaliation. If you believe you were subjected to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, CRD may be able to investigate and help you resolve your complaint. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act, as well as Title VII, prohibits discrimination based on race, national origin or religion.