Discrimination is a direct action, whether purposeful or not, that results in unequal treatment of people. Employers can't treat you unfairly or differently because you belong to a certain group of people, like your race, sex, age or other "protected class.A charge of discrimination is a signed statement asserting that an employer, union or labor organization engaged in employment discrimination. File a Civil Rights Complaint Online. Open the OCR Complaint Portal and select the type of complaint you would like to file. Discrimination is against the law. We don't exclude or discriminate against anyone. Significant omissions in the Ohio law include sexual orientation and gender identity, both of which are protected classes under Title Vll. Explicitly prohibits discrimination in the use of clinical algorithms to support decisionmaking in covered health programs and activities. H.B. 352 amends pertinent sections of Ohio Revised Code 4112, which contains Ohio's employment discrimination laws, in the following ways.