Under Title VII, you're entitled to certain adjustments if you're pregnant and don't want to get vaccinated for COVID-19. Recent Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidance says yes, employers can require their employees to receive the COVID19 vaccine.The ADA requires employers to keep confidential any medical information they learn about any applicant or employee. To receive a vaccine exemption, the first step is to contact the school or business that has the vaccine mandate. Employers are entitled to ask how an employee's religious beliefs conflict with a COVID19 vaccination requirement. According to employment attorney Matt Besser, with the law firm BolekBesserGlesius, private companies can legally deny religious exemptions. In contrast, others have issued minimal or no vaccine mandates. History of Religious Accommodations for Vaccines. A syringe fills with COVID19 vaccine. Vinson that workplace harassment can constitute unlawful discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII).