If you have been subjected to workplace discrimination, schedule a free case review with a Orange County discrimination claims attorney today. In Orange County, employees may file complaints of discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment with the Orange County Human Rights Commission.Aitken Campbell Heikaus Weaver, LLP, can provide comprehensive legal counsel for every aspect of your workplace discrimination claim. Most employment lawyers accept disability discrimination cases on a "contingency" basis, meaning that you pay nothing until the case is resolved in your favor. Free Consultation - Call 714-494-6244 - Yash Law Group is dedicated to providing our clients with legal services in Employment Law and Discrimination cases. If you have been subjected to discrimination or other violations in the workplace, consult a Orange County employment law attorney at the firm today. The Orange County Discrimination attorneys of Employment Law Assist are here to help. Call now for a FREE CONSULTATION (424) 234-5229! Discrimination in the workplace is an issue some employees are still facing despite the laws in place that prohibit discriminatory practices. The Orange County Discrimination attorneys of Employment Law Assist are here to help.