Parents facing a CPS investigation in Orange County are entitled to know the nature of the allegations against them. Call our Statewide Toll Free Telephone Number: 1-800-342-3720 or 1-518-474-8740 (long distance charges apply).Intake Services of Orange County. Importantly, each parent has the right to be informed about the investigation and the right to participate in it. Court-mandated services aimed at facilitating the safe reunification of a child with their parents or legal guardians after a CPS intervention. Regarding CDSS MPP Division 31-020, CFS staff will: A. Provide Notification. It focuses on the families' strengths and needs and the resources in the community. Forms The Superior Court of Orange County offers several options to assist the public in completing court forms: DOJ and HHS have investigated a number of complaints alleging race, color, and national origin discrimination in the child welfare system. Any OCPS employee who fails to report known or suspected child abuse, neglect or abandonment to DCF may be subject to criminal prosecution pursuant to Florida.