Title VII provides a framework for the regulation of swap markets, which were largely responsible for the 2008 financial crisis. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers cannot discriminate against employees based on race, religion, color, sexuality, or national origin.The new rules are of particular importance to private fund managers and others evaluating whether they must register as investment advisers with the SEC. Adam Roseman focuses his practice on Occupational Safety and Health litigation and compliance, federal and state labor and employment investigations. It is illegal when your hours are cut because you are in a protected class. A common defense in these Title VII lawsuits is that the employee or former employee was not subjected to an adverse employment action. The G20 countries committed to reducing systemic, counterparty and operational risk and increasing transparency in the OTC derivatives market. If they do not, then no protection exists except for categories covered Palm Beach County's Equal Employment Ordinance. West Palm Beach, FL 33401. Street Reform and Consumer Protection.