If you feel you have experienced illegal employment discrimination, fill out the intake questionnaire and email or mail it to the PHRC. The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act makes it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of a protected class in the workplace.Before you may file a lawsuit against your employer in court, you must first file a complaint of discrimination with either the EEOC or PHRC. Explore Pennsylvania's discrimination laws with Weisberg Cummings. Understand your rights and protections against workplace discrimination in the state. The easiest way to prove discrimination is with direct evidence. A Checklist of issues employers should consider in defending against an employee complaint filed with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC). Approach rather than that in the DDA. Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 – complaints process and equal opportunity in employment regime. The taunts started in the first days of Andre Pryce's new job, camouflaged as joking.