This office is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable anti-discrimination laws, both federal and state. The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and provides for equal access to education, housing, transportation, health care, and employment.Apply discriminatory terms or conditions to disabled individuals regarding wages, benefits, or other terms of employment. Pima College will provide reasonable accommodation(s) to qualified employees or applicants with disabilities, unless to do so would cause undue hardship. Pima County provides equal access and equal opportunity in employment and services and does not discriminate. The College prohibits discrimination, harassment and retaliation as set out in BP. 5.10 and this AP. This prohibition against engaging in discriminatory conduct. 10.1 Submitting Complaints Against Employees. Unless specified otherwise in this AP, any member of the College. Emergency removal of Employees will be conducted pursuant to the procedures in the Employee Handbook. Equal Employment Opportunity, ADA,.