To discriminate means to treat those people in some way differently than other people who are not in the same class. Discrimination grievances must be submitted to the DHCS Office of Civil Rights within 365 days from the day the discrimination took place.The ability to distinguish between stimuli or objects that differ quantitatively or qualitatively from one another. The Psychology program is designed to serve the needs of a wide variety of Sacramento City College students who are pursuing study in the field of psychology. Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. Presents an overview of contemporary theory and research in the study of culture, race, ethnicity, and the human mind and behavior. Discrimination is against the law. Immediately after each test, the testers notified the test coordinator that the test was completed, filled out the test report form, and wrote a narrative. A workplace complaint involves discrimination or harassment claims based on one (or more) protected category. Completion means that you are in compliance with California State Law and.