If you believe you were subjected to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, CRD may be able to investigate and help you resolve your complaint. Our experienced Sacramento employment law attorneys have helped many California employees file administrative claims and lawsuits against employers.For a free legal consultation with a civil rights lawyer serving Sacramento, call 800-658-8448. Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Discriminating against or harassing any County employee, applicant, agent, contractor, or volunteer based on any protected characteristic is prohibited. Our lawyers at Mastagni Holstedt, APC have decades of experience protecting clients' rights and seeking fair compensation in their wrongful termination cases. These rights include living without discrimination, harassment, or oppression. The California Constitution, Article I, section 31, provides that California state government shall not discriminate. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act et al. Supersedes. • Policy Statement on Discrimination and Harassment.