The federal Civil Rights Act of 1991 expanded the right of plaintiffs to compensatory and punitive damages. Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.Protect your rights and yourself from harassment at work. Contact our workplace harassment lawyers in Sacramento, CA, for a free case evaluation. A federal employment attorney in Sacramento at Mastagni Holstedt, A.P.C. helps clients with Title VII, COBRA and Americans with Disabilities Act issues. In a discrimination lawsuit, you will need to provide objective evidence of the discriminatory conduct, as well as the harm that you suffered as a result. Penalties for Employers Violating Title VII. Business owners who violate Title VII face lawsuits, penalties, and compensatory damages. The filing of a complaint does not mean that CRD has already determined whether there is reasonable cause to believe any laws have been violated. Employment Discrimination.