You must also file your charge of employment discrimination with UALD within 180 days of when you learned of the last alleged discriminatory act. If you would like to file a charge of job discrimination, you must do so either within 300 days from the day you knew about the discrimination.Salt Lake County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Learn more about what to do in cases of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation. This information packet is designed to help you file an employment discrimination lawsuit in federal court without the help of a trained and licensed attorney. A charge of discrimination can be completed through our online system after you submit an online inquiry and we interview you. Contact our employment lawyer in Utah at 801-400-9860, or fill out the contact form below to request a confidential consultation with us. EEO provides technical assistance to citizens, employees and managers in the area of employment discrimination of individuals in protected classes. Unemployment Insurance4. In my experience, most Mormons were very welcoming when I moved to SLC for my job.