You must also file your charge of employment discrimination with UALD within 180 days of when you learned of the last alleged discriminatory act. Salt Lake County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.Learn more about what to do in cases of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation. Victims of pregnancy discrimination have a right to a monetary settlement. Pregnancy discrimination is against the law. The EEOC enforces three federal laws that protect job applicants and employees who are pregnant. Utah's law also prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions. 2. Contact our employment lawyer in Utah at 801-400-9860, or fill out the contact form below to request a confidential consultation with us. Governor Herbert signed the law in March 2016 and it is effective as of May 10, 2016. Utah's law also prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy related conditions.