Your complaint must be filed with the Commission within 12 months of the incident occurrence; otherwise, your complaint may be refused. You must also file your charge of employment discrimination with UALD within 180 days of when you learned of the last alleged discriminatory act.Under Title VII, the ADA, GINA, and the ADEA, it is illegal to discriminate in any aspect of employment. The first step is to fill out a short questionnaire, to establish if the situation meets the criteria to file a discrimination complaint. People are entitled to file complaints if their employment rights were violated. EEOC and UALD have specific timelines to file a complaint. This information packet is designed to help you file an employment discrimination lawsuit in federal court without the help of a trained and licensed attorney. 160 East 300 South, 3rd Floor. Tim Keegan is a shareholder in the Salt Lake City and San Diego offices of Ogletree Deakins. Tim's practice focuses on the defense of employers.