Receiving unequal treatment due to factors beyond your control is unethical and illegal. Call a San Diego Workplace Discrimination Attorney (619) 839-9978.The San Diego Discrimination attorneys of Employment Law Assist are here to help. Call now for a FREE CONSULTATION (424) 234-5229! Under Title VII, employment agencies cannot base their referrals and work assignments on race. Labor unions also cannot make membership decisions based on race. A charge of discrimination can be completed through our online system after you submit an online inquiry and we interview you. When someone files a discrimination complaint, CRD evaluates the facts and decides whether to accept the case for investigation. Miracle Mile Law Group is a employment law office representing employees as a team of San Diego Workplace Discrimination Attorneys. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in the workplace based on race, skin color, national origin, sex, or religion.