There are strict deadlines for filing a charge of discrimination, please review the information in the timeliness tab or call 1-800-669-4000. The San Diego Discrimination attorneys of Employment Law Assist are here to help.Call now for a FREE CONSULTATION (424) 234-5229! Receiving unequal treatment due to factors beyond your control is unethical and illegal. Call a San Diego Workplace Discrimination Attorney (619) 839-9978. Receiving unequal treatment due to factors beyond your control is unethical and illegal. Call a San Diego Workplace Discrimination Attorney (619) 839-9978. In 2017, our jury trial verdict in a disability discrimination case against Kaiser Permanente was awarded one of the Top 50 Employment Verdicts in California. "It was really hard for our people to get up, to get a highpaying job and higher education," said Raj Rohl, 40. "We struggled a lot.