The purpose of the Child Protective Services Act and amendments is to encourage more complete reporting of child abuse and maltreatment. Guardianship; Termination of Parental Rights Forms ; 6-7.Certificate of Guardian of Person of A Minor. If a child is suspected to be the victim of abuse or neglect, New York law gives certain designated people the authority to remove the child from the custody. (d) The case docket number shall appear on the outside cover and first page to the right of the caption of every paper tendered for filing in the proceeding. Suffolk County officials on Thursday announced key changes to its child protective services unit in the aftermath of the Thomas Valva case. CPS must notify the subject(s) of the existence of the report and of the subject's rights. An eligible list established for a particular title may be certified to fill vacancies in the other title. The county adopted all 13 of the recommendations in a state report on the Valva case, he said. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act does not prohibit sexual orientation or sexual identity discrimination, and the lack of federal protection for employment.