Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. Discrimination means to act based on a preference or prejudice.National origin discrimination involves treating people (applicants or employees) unfavorably because they are from a particular country or part of the world. Secure for persons in this state, including persons with disabilities, freedom from discrimination in certain employment transactions. This guide explains the legal definitions and types of discrimination and harassment set out in the Equality Act 2010. Workplace discrimination occurs when an individual is treated differently or unfairly because of his or her age, race, sex, sexuality, or disability. This discrimination is often based on negative attitudes, stereotypes and bias about people with mental health or addiction disabilities. It requests EEOC to take remedial action. Guided interview to fill out form to cancel a Transfer on Death Deed you made. On December 9, 1985, Travis filed a discrimination charge with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (Department).