Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Travis ADR Services specializes in the arbitration and mediation of labor and employment disputes in the Southeast, Northeast and Midwest.Call (512) 271-5527 - Austin Employment Lawyers, P.C. - Aggressive advocates dedicated to your interests in Retaliation and Employment cases. Amy Travis has asserted sex discrimination and hostile work environment claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. View the vehicle title transfer identification requirements table. Which is the best way for Travis to rewrite this question so that it is compliant with Title VII and EEOC regulations? Title VII's value resides in its ability to ensure equitable treatment in the workplace. Then bring your talents to Travis County! Attorneys practices civil or criminal law for Texas County or District government. Travis is an experienced trial attorney and former criminal defense attorney who zealously advocates for his clients in and out of the courtroom.