You must also file your charge of employment discrimination with UALD within 180 days of when you learned of the last alleged discriminatory act. If you would like to file a charge of job discrimination, you must do so either within 300 days from the day you knew about the discrimination.The system can be accessed at the EEOC website. If you do not have internet or need language assistance, you may call the toll-free number at 1-800-669-4000. Contact our employment lawyer in Utah at 801-400-9860, or fill out the contact form below to request a confidential consultation with us. Right to work: Employees can't be denied employment based on their membership (or nonmembership) in a labor union or other organization. If an employee files a lawsuit that is based on a hostile work environment, they may be able to file it in a state court in Utah or in a federal court. Unemployment Insurance4. In Utah, firing, often termed as termination for cause, often stems from an employee's inadequate performance or behavior in the workplace. Utah's Internet Employment Privacy Act prohibits employers from asking employees or job applicants for social media passwords or usernames.