You may file a charge of employment discrimination at the EEOC office closest to where you live, or at any one of the EEOC's 53 field offices. A Charge of Discrimination can be completed through our EEOC Public Portal after you submit an online inquiry and we interview you.In this guide designed for employees, we cover what is discrimination in the workplace, the types of discrimination, and how to take legal action. If you live in one of these areas and want to report how a business or employer discriminated against you, please fill out the complaint form below. The Department is dedicated to promoting a workplace that provides equal opportunities for all and is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion or national origin. This occurs when an employee is treated unfairly because of their race or ethnicity. Discrimination at Work. 1. What is employment discrimination?