Call 360-902-6088 or 1-800-423-7233. RCW Chapter 49.60 is a State law that protects all people in Washington from unfair and discriminatory practices in employment.You may file a charge of employment discrimination at the EEOC office closest to where you live, or at any one of the EEOC's 53 field offices. A Charge of Discrimination can be completed through our EEOC Public Portal after you submit an online inquiry and we interview you. You could potentially lose out on appropriate compensation, be denied a transfer or promotion, and more. Laws that protect workers from discrimination in the workplace, including who is protected and how to file discrimination complaints. I would also like to mention that no worker can be discriminated against for filing a complaint dealing with discrimination in the workplace. ❖ In some places in Washington. Laws that protect workers from discrimination in the workplace, including who is protected and how to file discrimination complaints. To file a complaint with the Office of Human Rights (OHR), simply complete an intake questionnaire in the employment section, and submit it to OHR HERE.