Generally, private cemeteries are required to obtain and maintain a state license, referred to as a Certificate of Authority. Section 8331 - Record of ownership of plots and transfer of plots."Plot owner," "owner," or "lot proprietor," means any person in whose name an interment plot stands of record as owner, in the office of a cemetery authority. 1. Complete a Transfer of Ownership Agreement (see enclosed form or visit rosehills. Com, click Customer Care, then click Property Transfer). When a person buys a cemetery plot they are actually purchasing the right to determine who will be buried in that particular space. Cemetery plot ownership laws dictate that the cemetery remains the actual owner of the land or physical property. In the US, most cemetery plots are actually platted with a lot number, just like a subdivision. However, California law provides, that the owner of a lot does not possess title to the lot but rather, has only an interest or right of burial in the lot. Yes, Cemetery Plots Are Real Estate.