What you will find in this packet: • Petition for Probate (DE-111). You may be able to use a Small Estate Affidavit to have the property transferred to you.Not all estates need to go through formal probate. Depending on how the property is owned, and the type and amount of property, you may not need to go to court. For example, a petition for special letters of administration cannot be submitted ex parte unless a petition for probate is already on file. The first step is to file the "Petition to Set Aside without Administration" with your local probate court. Granted, or that the sale of property set forth in the petition has been approved. The completion of Form DE-111, the petition for probate of a will, officially initiates the probate process regarding the distribution of property to heirs. Turbines on birds and bats anywhere in the Alameda or Contra Costa counties. Managed By: Type: Stewardship.