Upon application, the board of township trustees shall sell at a reasonable price the number of lots as public wants demand for burial purposes. To register a cemetery, please complete the Cemetery Registration form and any additional forms as indicated in the instructions.If you are a descendant of the original lot owner (purchaser), you, your spouse, and your descendants most likely have burial rights on that lot. We welcome you to visit Lake View Cemetery. To maintain the beauty of our grounds and ensure the safety of all guests, please follow our rules and regulations. Do not all have the same owner(s) or the plots are not all in the same cemetery. At the time of burial, two floral arrangements with the casket or urn will be placed on the completed grave. The transfer and recording of all documents conveying interest in land and mineral rights to track the ownership history of all real property in the county. Kent is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the largest city in Portage County.