The Division of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services can assist consumers with questions or complaints. —No person may operate a cemetery without first obtaining a license under this section, unless specifically exempted from this chapter.Generally speaking cemetery plots are treated like land, because they are. Refer to deeds first, then look at the will or state intestacy laws. The Division of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services offers licenses for individuals as well as businesses and establishments. Conveyance, sale or transfer means the conveyance of a right to burial in a space and shall not be deemed to convey fee simple title to the space. A cemetery lot owner's rights are contractual and subject to the ordinary rules of contract law. If a bank forecloses a house and there's a cemetery on the property can the new owner's move the cemetery and or graves? This is a legal question. A burial permit must be presented to the City before burial can take place.