The Director is empowered to sign all documents, make all decisions, and perform all acts under the Georgia Cemetery and Funeral Services Act of 2000. There are no state statutes that specifically permit or prohibit home burial.A cemetery lot owner's rights are contractual and subject to the ordinary rules of contract law. Georgia law requires the funeral director to acquire a permit before cremating a body or transporting it out of state. (Ga. NO transfer of ownership shall be complete or effective until all transfer fees are paid. Fortunately, they are legal in all 50 states, but not without some serious hoop jumping. Use Fill to complete blank online CITY OF SAVANNAH, GA (GA) pdf forms for free. They may have their own forms or requirements for transferring ownership. 5. Laws governing cemetery sales varies from State to State in the USA. Burial arrangements will be made after death, as with all national cemeteries.