A cemetery owner is required to obtain a certificate of authority from the Arizona Department of Real. When planning a funeral in Arizona, you should know the law.Learn about laws covering burial, cremation, caskets, death certificates, and scattering ashes. Step 6: Purchase a certified copy of "the letters" to give to the funeral home. If you are interested in conducting a private family burial, please call us at 602-506-6805 to make an appointment. Learn the rules that govern funerals in Arizona, including who can make funeral arrangements, how a body can be disposed of, and more. A fourdigit numeric code is used to identify the current use of a property for many assessment purposes. A. Before offering cemetery plots for sale, the owner or agent shall notify the commissioner in writing and the notice shall contain: 1. LOL, no, I mean completely legal and documented. I meant like buying an acre out in the desert and starting your own family cemetery.