If you already have a buyer you must obtain a Transfer of Ownership form from the cemetery department. How much does it cost to buy a family plot in a cemetery?Generally, not in the US. Here, the general arrangement is that you pay for the right to use that burial plot in perpetuity. Transfer fees may apply. Alternately, under Massachusetts law, your heirs automatically inherit any unused rights of burial in a space that you have purchased. Appointment hours are Monday through Friday a.m. Are you interested in selling your cemetery property at Rose Hills? Burial plots are available at Waterside Cemetery and niches in the Chapel to any Marblehead resident taxpayer, ownership being non-transferable. Residents purchasing new graves or lots must make said purchase in the Cemetery section open for sale at that time. When it's time to arrange a funeral, if the deceased is to be buried, you will also need to own a burial plot in a cemetery.