Section 28: Conveyance of cemetery lots or interest in lots in trust for preservation as memorial; rights of heirs of owner; control over lot or interest in lot. Enclosed are detailed instructions on how to file MPC 170 for voluntary administration of an estate with or without a will.All deed owners and visitors within the Cemetery, as well as all lots sold, shall be subject to said Rules and Regulations. This ruling is in effect for all lots and graves sold in the Cemetery. Before any stones or markers are placed on a grave or lot, complete payment for the grave must be made to the Town. All persons entering the cemetery, including lot owners, and all property of the cemetery, including lots sold, shall be subject to these Rules and Regulations. -Once the headstone is set the temporary marker from the funeral home will be removed. Emergency brakes must be set when the driver is not in the driver's seat. Scheduled cleanup and maintenance of the entire cemetery will occur twice a year.