Land Deed or Title: Applicants must attach a copy of the land title and a declaration of dedication of land to cemetery purposes. Generally speaking, when you purchase a cemetery plot, it does not expire, and it will always be yours.However, there are a few things to keep in mind. If someone has been buried in the plot, you cannot dig them up. Contact the VA and fill out a form, a DD214 is required. 6. § 440.500 (2024).) Most bodies are buried in cemeteries, but burial on private property is possible in Nevada. You need to first write the cemetery a demand letter, or have an attorney do so. Answered on Jan 25th, 2013 at PM. Report Abuse. Cemetery representative must be contacted before burial to mark plot boundaries. In the Battle Mountain cemetery, a casket shall not be placed in a burial plot without an outer container covering the casket.