Under certain circumstances (explained below), you may ask the trial court to either "vacate" (cancel) the judgment or "set aside" your sentence. Fill out the Application To Set Aside Conviction.A motion is an application to the court for a specific court order within the confines of an existing lawsuit. You can use these reasons to set aside most family law orders or judgments (for example, an order or judgment in your divorce or parentage case). Aside is sometimes called expungement or expunction. To ask the judge to set aside your default judgment, you must file a "motion" (a formal written request) with the court. A Motion to Set Aside Default or Judgment is used to ask the court to set aside or "undo" a default or judgment or final order in a case. Eligibility to have a criminal record set-aside. •. The petitioner should be certain to set out factual assertions in a clear and coherent fashion. When the court sets aside your sentence, it will grant you the opportunity to enter a new plea that may result in a new fair trial.