To register a cemetery, please complete the Cemetery Registration form and any additional forms as indicated in the instructions. No interment or entombment may take place at the Cemetery unless a burial permit for the deceased has first been presented to the Cemetery Sexton.Cemetery Introduction. A cemetery lot owner's rights are contractual and subject to the ordinary rules of contract law. If a bank forecloses a house and there's a cemetery on the property can the new owner's move the cemetery and or graves? This is a legal question. A deed to a cemetery lot issued and executed hy a board of township trustees pursuant to Section 517.07, Revised Code, does not require the acknowledgment. ANIMALS - Animals shall not be allowed in the Cemetery sections or in any Cemetery buildings. No interments of two or more bodies shall be made in one grave, except in the case of mother and child, or two infants buried in one casket. A grave can't be moved, as it's the hole that the person's body or cremated remains were buried in.