If you are filing the Will "For Record Only", you will need to present the original will and the Application to File Will For Record Only (DCPC Form 2.0R). These instructions are provided as a public service of the Butler County Probate Court, and are intended as a guideline only.Applicant asks that the estate be relieved from administration because the assets do not exceed the statutory limits. The first step is to file the "Petition to Set Aside without Administration" with your local probate court. Each state provides ways for a small estate to be distributed without going through the full probate process. The applicant must obtain and complete the following forms from the Clerk's Office. 1. Form 5.0 – Application to Relieve Estate From Administration. 2. Note: All paperwork should be typed, single sided, and please do not staple originals. All documents being filed must have original signature. Executor or administrator of decedent's estate failed to file this application before being discharged.