To be recognized as the estate administrator, you must file the petition for grant of letters of administration with the Register of Wills. Dying without a will is known as dying intestate.This Act states that it is illegal to construct a street, lane, alley, or public road through a cemetery unless a future law specifically allows for it. Your last step will be to fill out a Status Report and to file it at the Register of Wills. The. If there is no will or you are not the person named as personal representative in the will, you will also need a Renunciation from other possible heirs. In this guide of Pennsylvania inheritance laws, we break down intestate succession, probate, taxes, what makes a will valid and more. Probate courts are responsible for deciding on an estate executor for intestate estates as well. If all requirements are satisfied, the Court will enter a decree appointing a guardian without the necessity of a hearing. When either of these two scenarios occurs, the gravesite is made available to another eligible veteran on a first-come, first-served basis. Not available: out of funds.