Any sale, assignment, or conveyance of the use of a lot or lots will be accepted if made in accordance with the provisions of law. Any sale, assignment or conveyance of the use of a lot or lots will be accepted if made in accordance with the provisions of law.DVS provides eligible indigent and unclaimed Veterans dignified burials at a national cemetery. Conveyance for the rite of burial will be issued to the purchaser. 2. The grave location of your loved one is furnished on the map included in the burial document folder. 15 Queens County, Office of the Register, Liber Deeds and Conveyances, liber 126, page 128 (1854). Many of these offers include the location in a mausoleum or the grave location. Send transfer of grave ownership form via email, link, or fax. You can also download it, export it or print it out. The side entrance of cemetery is on the righthand side in the middle of the block.