The papers to be filed to try and undo a default is a motion to vacate a default. Under certain circumstances (explained below), you may ask the trial court to either "vacate" (cancel) the judgment or "set aside" your sentence.Setting aside a judgment releases the citizen from all penalties and disabilities resulting from the conviction. Aside is sometimes called expungement or expunction. Fill out an application which must include the eligible offense(s) (seeWho is Eligible) and your reasons for requesting a Sealing Application;. To ask the judge to set aside your default judgment, you must file a "motion" (a formal written request) with the court. However, applying to have a conviction set aside can change everything. Complete the form called Application and select Setting aside a Default Judgment. Income. Please Note: Applicants will be notified if proof of any of the above factors will be required to complete the processing of their application. You can show the order to a potential employer when you fill out your application so that they understand what it means.