This fee for our basic services and overhead will be added to the total cost of the funeral arrangements you select. This charge includes transfer from common carrier within 70 miles of our Funeral Center.Most funeral establishments and cemeteries offer prearrangement guides you can fill out to keep and share with your family. If you do not have a copy of the TOD deed, you can purchase one from the Recorder's Office. Q: How much are the license renewal fees? A: The annual renewal fee, and fee for delinquent renewal, may be found in the Bureau's Fee Schedule. (NON-REFUNDABLE) PER GRAVE, ASH NICHE, AND MAUSOLEUM CRYPT WILL APPLY. Made up of Administration, Revenue Services, Receivables and Collections, and Special Business Permits. Prior to drafting any contract for goods or services, the responsible party or decedent's survivor who is handling the funeral arrangements. How do I transfer title in order to sell?