The cemetery authority shall file the map or plat in the office of the recorder of the county in which all or a portion of the property is situated. This procedure allows someone legally entitled to inherit a decedent's personal property to get that property without going through probate.All requests for authority to disinter remains will be submitted on VA Form 40-4970, Request for Disinterment, and will include the following information. Overview of the Administering Process. Probate isn't mandatory in Washington State, but state law requires wills to be filed with the court. Here are some of the reasons why every adult should have a Will: 1) If you do not have a Will, the Court may appoint someone as Personal. For small estates, Washington law permits you to use a process to acquire the property of a decedent without the need for a probate. In Washington State, when someone dies without a will, their estate is distributed according to intestate succession laws found in RCW 11.04. The transfer of interment rights shall only include those interment spaces available at the time of transfer. The D.C. Superior Court Probate.