It's Important To Understand Your Rights Regarding Your Firearm In The State Of Arizona. Individuals who were charged with felonies as juveniles must apply for the restoration of their firearm rights.People convicted of nonserious felonies can apply for a set aside after the case ends or for a restoration of firearms rights two years after the case ends. Contact the Superior Courts in Arizona to obtain the necessary court documents to set aside your conviction. You may need the following:. It is unlawful to carry a firearm concealed within the immediate control of any person in or on a means of transportation if under 21 years of age. Once a felon has met the mandatory waiting period, they may file a petition for the restoration of their gun rights. Where am I prohibited from carrying a firearm (open or concealed) on the premises? You must have misunderstood what is on the FBI website because every felony conviction has a lifetime firearm ban unless your firearm rights are restored. The act also prohibits convicted felons from purchasing firearms or ammunition.