Tilem frequently teaches continuing legal education and writes articles on the topic of gun rights and Second Amendment issues. Second Amendment challenges to various New York gun laws have been rejected in recent years.For example, in the 2012 case Kachalsky v. To own a handgun, you need a valid City handgun license. To own a rifle or shotgun, you need a City-issued permit. Click on the "Register" link in the upper right-hand corner on this page, and enter the required information. Complete the on-line application. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Nave Law's skilled team can help you avoid any issue regarding your permit or firearm so you can exercise your Second Amendment rights legally and safely. In New York if a person is convicted of a "serious offense" defined in the New York State Penal Law Sec 265.00 they may not possess a firearm.