If the case is filed in the Circuit Civil division, you may contact the Court Registry Clerk at: (954) 831-5659. This case is set for trial before the undersigned Judge in Courtroom. ,Broward.The trial date is a firm trial date pursuant to AOSC2023, Amendment 13 (May 6, 2021). III. The amended order revises portions relating to civil case management requirements and establishing reporting requirements for chief judges of judicial circuits. It protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(a)(1), a party may amend its complaint once without the permission of the. Once rules of civil procedure have been invoked in a small claims case, the court cannot avail itself of the small claims rules to handle matters in the case. The Court ruled that the Seventh Amendment requires a jury to determine whether an entity is liable for civil penalties under the Clean Water Act. BREVARD COUNTY PROCEDURES FOR CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN, ORDER, AND SETTING TRIALS - CIRCUIT CIVIL. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Miami-Dade County, Florida this XX day of.