Call the Special Investigative Unit (School Police) for BCPS at 754-321-0725. If there is a health center at your school, or your school has a health partnership, please use these resources when you are uncertain about physical abuse.The school district prohibits any form of sexual harassment and sexual violence. Report to the Florida abuse hotline at 1-800-96-ABUSE if there are indicators of impairment in emotional, social or intellectual functioning. This page is intended to help parents find the health requirements related to student enrollment in Florida's schools. HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER: Please review the student's history, complete and sign the Health Care Practitioner's section of the Physical Examination Report. File a police report and have criminal charges filed against the attacker. Skip the school admin, or just add them to the list of defendants when you file your civil suit. The school district prohibits any form of sexual harassment and sexual violence. Physical violence. 8. theft.