In California, no license or permit shall be required to possess keep, or carry a handgun openly or concealed in one's home or place of business. Gun owners in California can no longer carry firearms into amusement parks, museums, churches, zoos, banks, public parks or a whole slew of other places.A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Unlike states that have adopted so-called "permitless carry" laws, California requires those who want to carry a concealed handgun to get a license or permit. Being convicted of a crime under California State law can impact your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms under both California and federal law. Unlike most other states, California has no provision in its state constitution that explicitly guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms. Once you have a concealed handgun permit, California law places restrictions on public places where you can carry or have the weapon. Therefore, whether the Second Amendment right applies depends on the type of weapon possessed. As a lifelong hunter and gun owner, I believe in a law-abiding individual's right to own a firearm. California Gun Rights Foundation is the premier Second Amendment organization in the Golden State.