Solved: My Dell Inspiron 17 (running Windows 10 Pro, 64bit) does not offer any option to print to our OfficeJet 4650 in color not even greyed out. This guide will provide easy instructions to set up your PrintWithMe printer and driver.Note: Our printers are not designed to be set up without us. This article specifically addresses scenarios where print jobs sent to a Find-Me queue will disappear, but regular print queues on the server work just fine. First time printing and first time posting. I've been lurking for the last week or two. They want to force me to their site to buy an expensive color cartridge even though I never print other than black and white and my black ink cartridge is full. No client software or drivers are required. Our story never failed to charm at cocktail parties. They want to force me to their site to buy an expensive color cartridge even though I never print other than black and white and my black ink cartridge is full.