Refusal to work in own classroom. Your first step is, generally, to approach your parents and the responsible authority in your school, usually a counselor or the vice principal.The District Attorney's Office is a founding member of the long-standing and highly successful Contra Costa County Alliance to End Abuse. On Tuesday, October 29, 2024, just before 3 p.m. We have established Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) to address allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Martin is an experienced business attorney who facilitates transactions while minimizing the risks and pitfalls facing his clients. Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Help Me? DV-505-INFO, How Do I Ask For a Temporary Restraining Order? Children who hurt other children on school grounds are given little to no punishment both at school and at home. Prepare your people and stay in compliance using industry-specific training, operational readiness, workforce management, and risk management solutions.