Generally speaking, a convicted felon does not have the right to bear arms in Ohio unless they have their gun rights restored. All Ohio citizens have the right to keep and bear weapons.However, it does not apply to someone with a prior felony conviction. 1. Complete both: 1) the Civil Designation Form (in Cuyahoga County select 1501. Misc. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that every citizen in the United States has a right to own a firearm in the United States. It explains as follows:" Federal law bans those who have been convicted of certain crimes from ever possessing firearms. In this blog, our defense attorneys cut through the noise and give Ohio gun owners the objective information they need to fully understand their rights. Just as in Minnesota, violent felons in Ohio are allowed to apply for restoration of firearms rights after completing their sentences. There are specific laws that prohibit the ability of convicted felons to possess firearms. Ohio law refers to this as "Having a Weapon While Under Disability.