No information is available for this page. Hospitals and officials have not been able to recruit a single pediatrician to Northeast Ohio to handle child abuse cases full time.List of forms for separation and divorce, parenting, support, judgement entries, domestic violence, and miscellaneous. The Appeals Unit consists of a Supervising Attorney, several assistant prosecuting attorneys, and professional staff. Call now for a free consultation with an experienced criminal defense lawyer at the Law Office of Mark Gardner at 216-857-3K. 2903.13(C), assault is a misdemeanor of the first degree. Journey Center for Safety and Healing supports those experiencing domestic violence, child abuse, and trauma in Cleveland. Learn how to get a protection order for domestic violence or stalking in Ohio, and how they are different from restraining orders. A child who exhibits severe behaviors—self-injury, aggression and property destruction—presents a significant challenge for parents. Most important, do not be silent.