If you want to file a complaint about sexual harassment or sexual assault, please use this form to file a complaint directly with the Title IX office. A "risk assessment" is a process for identifying students who present concerning behaviors that could result in harmful, dangerous, or violent situations.My child's behavior is out of control (for example: child refuses to go to school, or runs away, or is physically abusive). Fairfax County Public Schools is accused of turning a blind eye to a horrific sexual abuse case. The school district claimed it didn't have proof of sexual assault, but in a ruling filed Aug. My Kid's Pediatrics and Adolescent Care Offers Sports and School Physicals In Fairfax County. In-Office and Telemedicine Appointments Available. As a school division FCCPS is committed to supporting physical and mental health of students and employees. They can do this because the victim is not a party but merely a witness to the Commonwealth. She said a lot of victims of sexual violence don't come forward because they "don't want to have their name out there in the public.".