A "risk assessment" is a process for identifying students who present concerning behaviors that could result in harmful, dangerous, or violent situations. If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call the Fairfax County Child Protective Services (CPS) hotline at 703-324-7400.This policy has been written using Department of Education guidance (January 2016). This behaviour and discipline policy underpins education at Fairfax. Physical contact is acceptable in some situations in an academy setting. Your first step is, generally, to approach your parents and the responsible authority in your school, usually a counselor or the vice principal. (intentional sexual touching without consent). Prevent suicides, self-harm, cyberbullying, and school violence with early-warning threat detection software. Welcome to the 2023 October issue of Volunteer Voices, a monthly newsletter for current and potential Domestic and Sexual Violence Services (DSVS) volunteers. Still, the assaults appear to have little to do with the attacker's gender identity, according to documents filed with the family's lawsuit.